Friday, July 13, 2012

Making Plans

January 19, 2012 by Racing Warrior
It is like the universe read my mind. I love it when synchronicity smacks me in the face.  I was reading my Runner’s World magazine yesterday, considering my upcoming racing season, when today my inbox blew up with save-the-date emails for scheduled races this spring, summer and (gulp – can you believe it?) fall. Some of races I ran last year. Others must have made their way to my inbox because they were affiliated with other races I ran last year.
So, here is a question that I pose to more seasoned racers.  
Do you typically sign up for the same races you did the year before hoping to PR? Or do you like the thrill of something new? Send your thoughts my way!Here are some of the races I am considering in my area for this racing season.

(A Love Affair with Running)
This would be a new race for me. 4 miles in ice cold winter temps? What am I thinking? Maybe we will get one of those weird, unseasonably warm days.
Truffle Shuffle - February 18th, 2012; 9:00am
I did this race last year. Nice flat surface running along the Missouri River. You can check out my race times.
Hope for Haiti 5K – July 7, 2012; 8:00am
This was the first time I ran a recorded race. It was the worst race of my 2011 season.Check out my time. Some of the blame can be put on too much fun at a wedding the night before. However, this was the first time I competed and the course was rolling hills. I would consider this one again to see how far I have come, but it is moving locations this year to a flat location and the course is a 5 mile course.  Hard to make any comparisons with all the details different.
Run for Your Life: June 3, 2012; 8:00 am
I found info for this race in my inbox. This one is in October. I am considering it because it is for a great cause. As a runner, dogs and I have issues. But I care about animals and like to put my money for races into as many causes that are dear to me as I possibly can.
Last year I couldn’t do this race because it conflicted with the Mo’ Cowbell Half Marathon. Another positive for this race is that it is on the same course as the original Run for Your Life 5K that I tanked last year. I could beat my time from last June.
Westinn Kennels: October 7,2012; 9:00am

It's a New Day!

January 18, 2012 by Racing Warrior

Welcome, friends! I have been working hard and running in circles it seems trying to bring this website to life. I think I am almost there.
My goal of these daily blog posts are to give you a sneak peek into my life as a runner, a writer, a mother, a wife, a business owner and a completely over-booked person.  Basically, I am going to bare my imperfections.
Somedays, I will talk about running. Other days maybe not so much. I have been known to ramble and I have an obession with shoes, clothes, purses and books. Yep! I love books. See there goes the rambling.
Today I am not going to talk about running. It was frigid outside. Winter temps and gusty winds. Today I felt like one of these little freezer snowmen my 7 year old made.
(Freezer Snowman)
I am a cold-weather hater. I am my best when the temperature is above 70. Summer is my favorite time of the year because it is the only time my hands are not ice cold all day long.
Thankfully, it has been a mild winter thus far. But I if I am going to train properly for my upcoming 13.1 in May, I am going to have to pound the pavement more frequently than when the temperature meets my satisfaction.
I think that means a shopping trip for highly discounted cold weather gear is calling my name. Did I already mention I like to shop?
Okay, friends! I am out of here for now. Here is a shameless plug. Check out my full Be patient with me. It is a work in progress, but check it out before it becomes famous.
Ha!Ha! I have a sense of humor, too. Just don’t tell my husband that it will mess with no-nonsense attitude I have worked hard to build.